
St. George's University, Grenada

Various Campaigns

Print Design
Digital Advertising
UX Design


St. George's University is a private international medical university in Grenada, West Indies with over 6,000 students and 2,000 faculty. They primarily offer medical and veterinary undergraduate and postgraduate degrees.


To design coordinated international campaigns that promote the advantages of studying at St. George's University and to perpetuate their values. The University were looking to collect good quality prospects for follow-up.

In particular, a focus on results, previous graduate success and the University's unique geographic location were the main selling points.


St. George's recruits students from all over the world so tailored messaging for each territory was required to really speak to each audience and maximise ROI.

A mix of press, outdoor, online banner advertising and social media led prospective students and their parents to targeted landing pages. Campaigns were continually measured and A/B tested to ensure high conversions.

Collateral Designed

  • Press advertising

  • Brochures

  • Digital banner advertising

  • Social media mixed advertising

  • Landing pages

  • Website

  • Outdoor

  • Exhibition graphics

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